How To Dispose Of Body Bags Safely

Dead human bodies contain a variety of pathogens and waste products considered to cause a biohazard to people who handle or come into contact with them.
These include urine, blood, faeces, bodily fluids, and any clothing, tools, or items that may have been contaminated through contact with a dead body.
The risk of direct transmission of infections and diseases from dead bodies is low – apart from in cases of blood-borne disease and gastrointestinal infections – but the natural decomposition process encourages the growth of bacteria that may pose a risk of contamination if a dead body comes into contact with a water source or food preparation surfaces.
Body bags should therefore be disposed of in a way that minimises the risk to mortuary handlers and members of the public, while also respecting the dignity of the deceased and the sensitivities of their surviving friends and family.
Cremation and burial
Most biohazard waste, once contained in the appropriate bag, is disposed of in a yellow biohazard waste bin, after which it is collected by an infectious waste disposal contractor. These bins are commonplace in hospitals, care homes, and morgues.
In most cases, however, dead human bodies are not disposed of in this way but are cremated or buried following a funeral service.
Unless designated as an infection risk, human remains are not normally contained within a dead body bag or biohazard bag when they are interred in their coffin or casket.
If the deceased has died while carrying an infectious disease like Hepatitis C (or if this is discovered following autopsy), Public Health England recommends that the body is placed in a sealed body bag which is then labelled with yellow and black biohazard tape and a tag stating ‘danger of infection’.
Care should be taken by funerary workers to take all risk mitigation precautions when preparing a body for burial or cremation within its coffin, and liaise with healthcare practitioners where appropriate if there is a known infection risk.
Request a quote
Slik Pak supplies a range of leakproof body bags for the safe disposal and handling of human remains in healthcare and mortuary applications. To find out more or to request a quote, please call 0161 367 1205 today.

Image Source: Pexels